Monday, October 29, 2007

New Assignment

The only thing I hate about all this is opening up new accounts, sometimes it's just to many things to remember.

This will be another e-mail account to add to my list, and its hard enough trying to keep track of all them.

What I would like to know is how you got the youtube post and how you applied it to your blog?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I have to say that was the best assisgnment so far, thanks for introducing me to 'BIG HUGH LABS', that was easy and amazing.

Now those assignments are easy.

Thanks 23 Things

Saturday, October 6, 2007

I Think I've Got It

Okay so I had the time to go through the process of Assignment number 3, I think I've got it but I'm not quite sure.

I added on the weather for Toronto, along with Blog news and The Shifted Librarian, hopefully I have done it right.

Thanks to all for the comments, it is nice to know that someone is reading my blog, and knows how frustrating it is to learn something new without having a teacher present. So lets carry on with Assignment #4

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Well I have read the instructions for assignment #3, and guess what!! I am lost. I knew things where going to get difficult, but not so quick.

What about everybody else, are you also having trouble with this assisgnment?

All I can say is HHHHHEEEEELLLLPPP., and everyone thought is was going to be easy lol

Friday, September 28, 2007

Starting to Get the Hang of Things

Okay now it is week two of blogging and I am really starting to like it, a little. I find sometimes that there are to many prompts on each screen and you just have to take a second to actually find what you want. Hopefully by about the 5 th week I will know blogging inside and out, lets hope so

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I hate computers

Ever since I was 15 years old all everyone ever talked about was computers, I even remember the old punch cards that we used in high school. Of course back then the computer was new and everyone had to know how it worked, or so they thought.

Growing up with computers I realized that there is no end in sight, you just have to go with the flow, so here I am trying something new. Hopefully I won't make a mess of things, and then again I might learn something new.

So lets continue on this new journey, and I might even impress myself with some kind of knowledge and not feel like a complete fool.


The only one that listens to me